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Introducing our Associate Copywriter & Content Strategist, Eliott Benoist, with a few questions to get to know him and hear about his background and passions.

What’s your experience prior to OXygen?

My career to date has covered a diverse range of areas, from creating guides for the best dining establishments around the country, to working for a SaaS company whose product looks to combat climate change, all while meeting some really amazing people along the way.

I first got into writing through volunteering for a local business magazine after leaving school. From there, I decided to study journalism at university in Bristol, writing music reviews alongside my studies. These experiences gave me extra impetus to pursue writing in a professional capacity, and I’m pleased to say that I consider myself one of the very lucky individuals who gets to combine their passion and their work.

Why have you joined the OXygen team?

I jumped at the chance to join the OXygen team to help continue the great work they are doing to assist and champion those making a positive difference. The world is going through very challenging times, so if I can help to make it even just a little bit better through the content that I produce, then I’ll gladly do it.

What skills do you bring to our client work?

A fresh pair of eyes, and the determination to ensure that all the great things that OXygen’s clients do are successfully reflected in their marketing. As an organisation, it can sometimes be tricky to express exactly what it is that you want to say about yourselves. I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of getting to know each organisation and crafting copy that best represents their work and values.

What’s one key piece of advice when writing purpose-led copy?

It sounds obvious and is more of a general piece of advice for writing copy, but I always try to put myself in the shoes of the audience. Who are we aiming the copy at? How do we want them to feel? What would we like them to do after reading our copy? What do I, as a website visitor, for example, want to get out of my interaction with the organisation?

What project are you most proud of and why?

I think that would probably be the short TV documentary that I created for my final project at university. I chose to base my project on recreational hearing loss in young people (e.g. from going to nightclubs or frequently using headphones) and needed to research, script, film and edit the entire piece myself. Although it’s not a project from my working life, I still look back with pride as it was the culmination of a lot of hard work and was a key factor in achieving my first-class honours degree.

Who’s your dream client?

There are loads of really cool companies and organisations doing amazing work to bring positive change, so it’s difficult to pick just one. I personally hate seeing food go to waste, and I’m sure most people, including myself, have been guilty of this at some point in their lives. Apps like Too Good To Go reduce the occurrences of food waste in a simple and cost-effective way for business and customers, so it would be great to help them with their mission in doing so, especially at a time where living costs seem to be ramping up by the day.

Eliott’s passion is crafting compelling copy. Having graduated with first-class honours in Journalism, his natural inquisitiveness has seen him write across a wide variety of subject areas, from music and sports to food and travel. Eliott loves getting to the heart of each and every business that he works with, priding himself on producing copy that epitomises their beliefs and motivations. More recently, Eliott has written for a purpose-driven business aiming to tackle climate change. Whether it be social media, blog posts or landing page copy, Eliott hopes to use his work to champion more organisations that are making the world a better place.