Project in brief

The RSPB is dedicated to saving nature and has been since they started their mission in 1889. Now the largest nature conservation charity in the country, their mission is to bring people together to create bigger, better, more joined-up spaces to save our wildlife and our shared home. RSPB initially came to our sister company, Oxford HR in the Summer of 2020, in the search for multiple roles to join their England Advisory Committee, with a focus on bringing youth and diversity onto their board.

What we did

  • Employer branding
  • Social media campaign
  • Video and animation
Still from RSPB video - Bird chirping with "Help us give nature a voice" displayed in front
Still from RSPB video - Butterfly in flight with "Your involvement can make a difference" displayed in front

We identified that traditional advertising for this search might not attract the audience they were looking for. We instead created a promotional video using RSPB video footage and a hard hitting script, outlining the benefits of becoming a Board member and why the roles were needed. This was seeded out on LinkedIn and Twitter with a targeted ad campaign, aimed at 21- 40 year olds from England with a passion for nature in general and it was supported with a highly detailed digital candidate pack.

When RSPB came back to Oxford HR in 2023 having rebranded, we helped to refresh the video with their new visual identity, and complemented the original with vertical videos to use on Instagram and TikTok.

click through rate on LinkedIn
engagement rate on twitter
page views on Oxford HR website

The client was delighted with the response to the promotional video and the search itself ended with the appointment of 6 advisory board members, reflecting the diversity the client was seeking. In follow up conversations with the appointed candidates, they all noted that the video helped in prompting them to apply.